About Us

Our Journey


Group of avid enthusiasts who have spent decades working on technology and its applications.

When we left Samsung, we did so with a mission in mind. Over the years, we watched as trusted colleagues and family/friends succumbed to health issues that appeared seemingly "out of the blue"; these were individuals who to all intents and purposes made efforts to balance their work lives with their health.

Out of these tragedies came a lot of soul searching and many hours of research, interviews, discussions.

A Realization

Through all these, we came to the realization that there was a hidden pandemic here, just as insidious as the current crisis gripping the world but more subtle and far-reaching; the data told us that that working professionals the world over where grappling with an enemy that could only be exposed over time.

The realization that workplace stress has an outsized impact on wellness AND productivity; that its effects are cumulative, that there existed the need for combining tools and technologies with the insights gained from analyzing working professional's work patterns and providing guide posts to restoring balance was critical to overall well being and would not sacrifice productivity in the long run... this was a revelation.

A spotlight on productivity

As our journey progressed, we were heartened by developments in the professional world. We saw productivity and work life balance being recognized, and watched with anticipation as new tools and platforms came on the market.

We quickly realized, however, that these new tools were limited in scope and vision; picking specific point problems and providing features that, while useful, failed to solve the fundamental problem of understanding how true productivity can be achieved. Where was the intelligence? The ability to tailor itself to scenarios, patterns of working, previous successes and failures to learn from? We judged this market to be in its infancy.

The Advent of Gen AI

With the advent of generative AI, we saw a missing piece of the puzzle falling in. Here at last was a technological advance with the ability to support building context; to understanding how groups of professionals interact and collaborate to achieve common goals, and bridge the gap from conceptualization to true tangible productivity and wellness.

We kept abreast of these technologies and further refined workassist.ai to traverse this paradigm shift.

Why we will Succeed

We believe that the time and effort we have put in over the years gives us a unique perspective on this problem

By following an iterative process of constant evaluation, usage and refinement, we believe that the workassist.ai platform and the services we have built through the course of our journey it will serve as crucial enablers in the days to come

Our goal is to empower people all over the world to achieve a work life balance that improves wellness outcomes and increases happiness everywhere.


Build an ecosystem where human beings can leverage the wealth of information available at our fingertips to enable us rather than overwhelm us; to balance work and life in such a way as to engineer a culture of happiness and rewards.


We believe we can introduce a paradigm shift in how professionals and organizations see productivity & wellness; we believe that empowering them with cogent analysis, automation tools and many other such solutions, we can truly achieve a world where humans can be productive, healthy, and happy at the same time.


June 2024
A Decision Point

Finally concluded research phase. Disparate point solutions now consolidated as a single platform offering: workassist.ai.

November 2023
Field Trials

Start building an audience to gauge reactions. Limited engagements with working professionals, collecting data through our platform and providing basic analytics, functionality and enablers. Expanded to full scale beta programs with interested client organisations.

March 2020
Platform Development

Applying the learnings we gathered (combined with our accumulated expertise) into devising a base platform. Picking specific problems, engineering point solutions that tie into a larger picture.

September 2019

Consulting experts of all stripes: research analysts, medical professionals, industry leaders... and working professionals. Commencing a journey of data collection that ultimately spans half a decade.

July 2018

Personal experience with close friends/colleagues succumbing to work pressures. Led to introspection and the seeds of a question: do we really understand productivity?