An app ecosystem powered by

Let help you get the most out of your workplace apps. From supporting most popular enterprise apps, to apps built natively into the platform, ensures that your apps are exploited to their maximum potential.

Gain a perspective on your apps

Understand how well you are using your apps (as an individual and as a leader) provides a unique analysis of every category of app, that exposes critical information quickly whilst allowing you to drill down into the finer points when required.

Interact across apps to work better understands how a combined strategy utilizing multiple apps results in better productivity

No need to painstakingly extract context from one app to populate another; provides you a knowledge web to show you how your apps interact, and initiate quick cross-app actions to preserve context and reduce time to value.

Foster better app utilization through advanced learning

Are you exploiting your apps to their fullest potential? What are areas you can improve? How do you uncomplicate complex app transactions to achieve a business use case?

Let answer all these questions for you. From a robust recommendations engine that generates highlights, suggestions and forecasts to help you optimize decisions with apps, to complex workflows involving, context, runtime decision making and AI, paves the way towards effective business transformation and sustenance.